What Can At Home IPL Devices Do For You?

The advent of at home IPL hair removal is perhaps one of the biggest trends in beauty these days; and Stylists Beauty Editor Joanna Martine found herself very much in the forefront of this revolution. After several years of storing her home IPL system in relative obscurity to collect dust, Stylist finally took it on for all its worth here is what you should know before attempting one yourself. Now that was easier said than done…and the many years that came after saw it fall apart, scratch it, pull it out, thread it – you name it – she did it. It took a very brave woman.

at home ipl|at home ipl

What Can At Home IPL Devices Do For You?

The advent of IPL hair removal is perhaps one of the biggest trends in beauty these days; and Stylists Beauty Editor Joanna Martine found herself very much in the forefront of this revolution. After several years of storing her home IPL system in relative obscurity to collect dust, Stylist finally took it on for all its worth here is what you should know before attempting one yourself. Now that was easier said than done…and the many years that came after saw it fall apart, scratch it, pull it out, thread it – you name it – she did it. It took a very brave woman.



So, what exactly is IPL hair removal? For those who don’t know, it is in hair removal technology that uses a narrow pulse laser beam to target hair follicles. The beams are very precise, only a fraction of a second apart, which means that the skin will not be damaged. The system is safe to use on all sorts of skin types – even the most sensitive ones, as long as you use the right product. And with the many different products on the market today, finding one that works wonders is not that hard at all. Just make sure that you read up on the subject first, so that you are well equipped to deal with any of the problems that may come your way.


One thing about IPL hair systems is that most do not require a professional; you can just buy it off the shelf and use it at home. This is probably the main reason why so many women prefer them, as you can just save a lot of money this way. If you are wondering what would be the best IPL home in treatment for you, then it might be to go for a cream or gel that has an intense pulsed light feature. This is a great way to deal with the problem of unwanted hair – and this is how you can get results in a matter of hours rather than days. So if you are looking for a good IPL home ipl device, then you may want to look at the various options that are available out there. And remember – there is no reason why you cannot find the right kind of product for your skin tone, lifestyle and budget!

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